Fitness program focuses on golf muscles

By MICHAEL GRAFF Blair Meadows doesn’t know how to golf. She doesn’t read greens and can’t offer tips on swing mechanics. She prefers workout shorts to collared shirts. But she can be invaluable for any golfer in the area who wants a longer drive or consistent approach, or even just to continue playing later in…

Mental Minute

With the days getting shorter and the golf season coming to a close, now is the perfect time to reflect on this year and plan for 2011. What worked well this year? What did not? And what is your game plan to work on your mental and emotional game during the offseason? Good golf shots…

Mental Minute

The Mental Minute Every word we utter, thought we think, or feeling we have, has a direct impact on our golf game and ultimately the score we shoot. Positive thoughts lead to good outcomes. Negative thoughts create anxiety that result in breakdowns. It is critically important to develop the skill to choose the more empowering…

Mental Minute

If you want to shoot lower scores you must first learn to be “OK” while outside your comfort zone. Wikipedia defines the comfort zone as a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of…